Added Authorization


The Supplementary Authorizations, Subject Matter Authorizations and Added Authorizations programs intent is to provide an alternate method of adding a new teaching authorization to allow an individual to teach a class in a subject outside the area in which he or she earned a credential. The Teacher Education Department offers the authorized courses to allow candidates to add additional authorizations. CTC Regulations: leaflet CL-621a / Guidebook

Candidates are subject to additional subject matter competency testing and course work requirements.


Single Subject Authorization

The Supplementary Authorizations, Subject Matter Authorizations and Added Authorizations enable a single subject credential holder to add one or more subject areas. CSUEB offers required courses to add a supplementary or added authorization to an existing Teaching Credential. Candidates must take 4 quarter units in order to complete the unit requirement of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing regulations. CTC Regulations: Leaflet CL-621a / Guidebook


Multiple Subject Authorization

In 1980 the Commission adopted Title 5 regulations to allow supplementary authorization be added to Multiple Subject Teaching Credentials. Candidates seeking to add an additional subject to their existing credential.  CSUEB offers the courses required to add a supplementary or added authorization to and existing Teaching Credential. Candidates must take 4 quarter units in order to complete the unit requirement of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing regulations. CTC Regulations: Leaflet CL-621a / Guidebook.