Elizabeth Bergman, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus (& former Chair) of Political Science
Political Science
E-mail: elizabeth.bergman@csueastbay.edu
Phone: 510-885-3860
Faculty Home Page: Visit Faculty Homepage
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California politics; especially the state budget, water policy, education funding and policy, Voters (demographics), voting behavior (turnout) and public opinion/polls, Elections; administration and processes both statewide and nationally (Voter ID, long lines, voting by mail, poll worker recruitment), Urban politics; especially relating to sub-city governments (special districts, e.g. school districts), Practical politics, "how to" of campaigns and how candidates get elected, Lobbying and political reform, re: money and influence in politics and elections
Unique life experiences
Immigrant parents; my Jewish father lost his family in the holocaust, my mother is a Catholic from Bosnia -- she came to the US as a mail-order bride but dumped her groom. Though I was conceived here I was born in Zagreb because my mother had to leave the US when her visa expired, so I am a naturalized citizen (raised my right hand and took the oath when I was five years old). I am the first person in my family to go to college and a first generation English speaker.
In The News
Can $7,000 Win a State Senate Seat? Republican Jim Shoemaker Shocks in Expensive Race (Mercury News)
Political science professor Elizabeth Bergman speaks on the unpredictability of results with Democratic candidates splitting the vote.
March 7, 2024
Oakland To Consider $75K Pay Raise for Mayor; Here’s How Salary Sizes up To Other Cities (ABC 7)
Professor Elizabeth Bergman shares her thoughts on the Oakland mayor's salary.
July 10, 2023
State Cash Could Be Coming To Help Fund CA Public Transit Under New Budget Deal (ABC 7)
Professor Elizabeth Bergman speaks on the deal and its effects on California's carbon neutral goals.
June 12, 2023
Senator Feinstein Has No Plans To Resign (KRON)
Professor Elizabeth Bergman shares her thought's on Feinstein's long absence from senate.
May 5, 2023
More Than $7.7 Million Spent in East Bay State Senate Race (East Bay Times)
Professor Elizabeth Bergman shares her thoughts on the Senate race spending.
November 3, 2022
Mayors Libby Schaaf and London Breed Have Picked a Candidate in the Oakland Mayor’s Race (SF Chronicle)
Professor Elizabeth Bergman says endorsements are key in races with unfamiliar candidates.
September 21, 2022