Katherine M Bell, Ph.D. Faculty Profile

Katherine  M  Bell, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Communication

Faculty Coordinator The Pioneer http://thepioneeronline.com/

Graduate Program Coordinator

Critical media studies, consumer culture, industrial and everyday celebrity, representation of race, gender, sexuality and class in traditional and online media, journalism studies

  • Ph.D. University of Washington
  • MA York University
Spring Semester 2025
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
COMM 20301Communication TheoriesW12:00PM1:40PMMI-3015Hayward Campus

  1. “This is not who we are:” Progressive media and post-race in the new era of overt racism. Communication, Culture, and Critique. 12(1), p. 1-17. (Peer reviewed). 
  1. “Critical Race Theory.” Feminist Media Histories. Spring 4(2). 
  1. “By Any Other Name: Media and White Supremacist Terrorism in the Trump Era,” In The Trump Presidency, Journalism, and Democracy. Routledge (Robert E. Gutsche Jr., ed). 
  1. Wildest Dreams: The Racial Aura of Celebrity Safari.Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies. (Peer reviewed). 

2015. “Raising Africa? Celebrity and the Rhetoric of the White Saviour.” In Celebrity Philanthropy. Intellect Press (Elaine Jeffries & Paul Allatson, eds.) (Refereed). An earlier (2013) version in the peer-reviewed journal PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies. 10(1). http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/journals/index.php/portal/article/view/3185

2014. Feature Article, “The Media’s Tipping Point: Covering Gender is the next Frontier.” In Media Morals (September). Stephen J.A. Ward, ed. http://mediamorals.org/the-medias-tipping-point-covering-gender-is-the-next-frontier/.

2013. Affective Expertise: The Journalism Ethics of Celebrity Sourcing. In Global Media Ethics: Problems and Perspectives, 214-234. Wiley-Blackwell. (Stephen J.A. Ward, ed).

2011. “’A Delicious Way to Help Save Lives’: Race, Commodification and Celebrity in Product (RED)”, in Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 4(3), 163-180. (Refereed).

2011. Feature article, “Weinergate: Sexting, Lies and the Mediascape,” in Journalism Ethics for the Global Citizen (July).  http://ethics.journalism.wisc.edu/2011/07/09/weinergate-sexting-lies-and-the-mediascape/.

2009. “Against Technologization: Young People’s New Media Discourse as Creative Cultural Practice,” pp 1038-1049, in Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 14(4). With Crispin Thurlow.

2009. Feature article, “Turning Dreams to Shame: Susan Boyle’s Les Miz,” in Journalism Ethics for the Global Citizen (July) http://www.journalismethics.ca/feature_articles/susan_boyle.html.

2008. Book review, Asper Nation: Canada’s Most Dangerous Media Company by Marc Edge, pp 919-921 in Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 85(4).