Talya Kemper Faculty Profile

Talya Kemper
Assistant Professor
Department of Teacher Education
- E-mail: talya.kemper@csueastbay.edu
- Phone: (510) 885-3028
- Office: AE 384
- Vitae: View my CV
- PhD, Special Education, University of Washington
- M.A., Special Education, San Francisco University
- B.A., Community Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
Course # | Sec | Course Title | Days | From | To | Location | Campus |
EXTX 170 | 01HA | Think By The Bay | TTH | 9:30AM | 11:00AM | MI-2038 | Hayward Campus |
SPED 693 | 02 | Capstone Research Project | W | 4:30PM | 7:50PM | WEB-SYNCH | Online Campus |
TED 503 | 125 | Spec Ed Multi Subj | ARR | WEB-ASYNCH | Online Campus | ||
TED 524 | 106 | SPED Tchg/SS Classroom | ARR | WEB-ASYNCH | Online Campus | ||
TED 524 | 15SS | SPED Tchg/SS Classroom | TH | 5:00PM | 8:00PM | WEB-SYNCH | Online Campus |
TED 697 | 02 | Issues in Teacher Education | ARR | WEB-ASYNCH | Online Campus |
- West, E., Wang, T., Kemper, T., Koyama, T. (2016) Determining the Impact of Cultural Differences, Word Class and Picture Communication Symbols on Symbol Translucency Ratings. Special Education Association of the Republic of China.
- West, E., Travers, J., Kemper, T., Liberty, L., Cote, D., McCollow, M., Stansberry Brusnahan, L. (2016). Racial and ethnic diversity of participants in research supporting evidence-based practices for learners with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Special Education. http://tinyurl.com/jlzy9nw
- Delport, J., Richmond, J., Howard, N., Kemper, T. (2016). Crossing the barriers, expanding knowledge, fostering relationships: Teacher preparation partnering with community organizations. In H., L., Schnackenberg B., A., Burnell (Eds.), Best Practices for Education Professionals (2nd edition). CRC Press. http://tinyurl.com/gq3nr6m
- Martin-Hertz, S., Kemper, T., Brownstein, M. (2013). Developmental screening with recent immigrant and refugee children: A preliminary report. EthnoMed: Integrating cultural information into clinical practice. Retrieved from: http://ethnomed.org/. http://tinyurl.com/zrlowv2
- Kemper, T., Fleury, V. P., & West, E. A modified book reading intervention for students with complex communication needs who are English learners and have a severe intellectual delay. Manuscript under review.
- West, E., Kemper, T., & Slemrod, T. Assistive Technology: Needs of teachers and implications for preservice teacher training programs. Manuscript under review.
- Kemper, T., McCollow, M., Stansberry Brusnahan, L., Liberty, L., & Cote, D. Ten Years of Research: Examining Participant Characteristics in a Special Education Journal.
- Kemper, T., & Fleury, V. P. Reading Together: Modified Shared Book Reading for Children who have Complex Communication Needs.
- Kemper, T., Delport, J., & Slemrod, T. Rural Teacher Perceptions of Inclusion Practices for Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities.
- Kemper, T., & McCollow, M. Evidence Based Practices for Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities: A Analysis of Participant Characteristics.
- Kemper, T., & Fleury, V.P. Increasing Reading Comprehension for Students with Complex Communication Needs who have a Severe Intellectual Delay.
- Kemper, T. Online Learning: Perceptions of Pre-service Student Teachers.
- Kemper, T., Liberty, L., West, E., Travers, J., McCollow, M., & Brusnahan, L. (2016, April). A review of the diversity of participants in the research used to establish EBPs for learners with ASD. Presentation at the CEC annual conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
- Kemper, T. (2016, February). Modifying curriculum for students with severe disabilities in inclusive settings. Presentation at the Equity, Opportunity, and Inclusion for People with Disabilities (CAL-TASH) conference, Sacramento, California.
- Kemper, T. (2016, February). Successful high school inclusion for students with severe disabilities. Presentation at Cal-TASH conference, Sacramento, California.
- Kemper, T., Liberty, L., McCollow, M., Brusnahan, L., & Alshehri, A. (2016, January). Analysis of participant characteristics published in DADD Journals. Presentation at the DADD annual conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Kemper, T. (2016, January). Reading together: A modified dialogic reading approach for children with limited speech. Poster presentation at the DADD annual conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Kemper, T., Bercaw, L., & Slemrod, T. (2014, November). Inclusion at Chico State: Past, present and future. California State University system wide video conference on successful inclusive practices.
- West, E; Kemper, T.; & Slemrod, T. (2014, April). Assistive Technology: Needs of teachers and implications for preservice teacher training programs. Presentation at the CEC annual conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Kemper, T. (2013, April). Promoting listening reading comprehension for nonverbal English learners who have a severe intellectual delay. Poster presentation at the CEC annual conference, San Antonio, Texas.
- Fleury, V. P., & Kemper, T. (2011, May). Improving the quality of early literacy experiences for young children with autism and other developmental disabilities. Presentation at the Infant and Early Childhood Conference (IECC) annual state conference, Tacoma, Washington.
- Liberty, L. & Kemper, T. (2011, May). Written word work: Using magic squares to promote beginning literacy. Presentation at the IECC annual state conference, Tacoma, Washington.
- Kemper, T. (2010, July). Ethnographic study of teaching practices for students who use AAC and are English Language Learners. Presentation at the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) international conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Kemper, T. & Pamparo, V. (2010, July). Dialogic reading: Adapting shared book reading for young students with Autism and limited verbal ability. Presentation at the ISAAC international conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Kemper, T. (2010, April). After elementary school: How to start a quality high school AAC classroom for students with severe disabilities. Poster presentation at the CEC annual conference, Nashville, Tennessee.
- Kemper, T. (2009). After elementary school: How to start a quality high school AAC classroom for students with severe disabilities. Presentation at the International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, California.
- Kemper, T. (2008). Empowering the school community with information to understand and accept students with differences and disabilities. Presentation at the annual CAL- TASH conference, San Francisco, California.
- Doering, K. & Kemper, T. (2006). Use of checklists for support and feedback to paraprofessionals. Presentation at the annual CAL-TASH, San Francisco, California.
Department of Education Personnel Preparation Grant, 2013-2018
Northern California Collaboration for Low Incidence Personnel Preparation
Project Director and Principal Investigator, Awarded: $1.25M
Lead efforts to respond to special education teacher shortage in Northern California by: providing tuition reimbursements and additional advising; increasing regional recruitment efforts; developing research projects focused specifically in the region; and coordinating annual trainings for regional educators, teacher candidates, families and community members on issues specific to supporting students with low-incidence disabilities
Department of Education Office of Innovation and Improvement Grant, 2014
Promoting Rural Improvement in Secondary Math and Science
Special Education and Inclusion Consulting Faculty, Awarded: $6.48M
Consulting to: expand program to include special education candidates and classrooms; incorporate inclusive practices and experiences for pre-service STEM and special education teachers; develop online and in-person training on co-teaching in special education and co-teaching in inclusive settings
California State University, Chancellor’s Office, 2016
Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities Grant
Faculty Recipient, Awarded: $5,250 maximum
Develop research in the field of reading comprehension for individuals who have complex communication needs and severe intellectual delay