Deena M. Lin, Ph.D. Faculty Profile
Deena M. Lin, Ph.D.
Department of Philosophy & Religous Studies
- E-mail:
- Phone: (510) 885-2486
- Office: AF 462
Continental Philosophy of Religion, Poststructuralist Philosophy, Deconstructive Theology, Mystical Theology of Meister Eckhart, Theology of the Body
- Ph.D. Philosophy of Religion & Theology; Claremont Graduate University
- M.A. Religious Studies; Claremont Graduate University
- B.A. Philosophy; University of San Francisco
Course # | Sec | Course Title | Days | From | To | Location | Campus |
PHIL 100 | 11 | Workshop in Critical Thinking | ARR | WEB-ASYNCH | Online Campus | ||
PHIL 341 | 01 | Abrahamic Religions | ARR | WEB-ASYNCH | Online Campus |
Butler on Whitehead: On the Occasion. Roland Faber, Michael Halewood, and Deena M. Lin., Eds. (Lexington Books, 2012).
Book Chapters
"Probing Identity: Challenging Essentializations of the Self in Ontology" in Ingolf Dalferth and Marlene Block, Eds., Self or No-Self?: The Debate about Selflessness and the Sense of Self (Mohr Siebeck, forthcoming).
"Response to Jure Zovko: 'Skeptical Faith as an Aspect of Conscious Life'" in Ingolf Dalferth and Michael Rogers, Eds., Skeptical Faith: On Faith, Belief, and Skepticism (Mohr Siebeck, 2012)
"Citing the Paradox: Probing the Systematization of Whitehead as Philosopher Subject" in Roland Faber, Brian G. Henning and Clinton Combs, Eds., Beyond Metaphysics? Explorations in Alfred North Whitehead's Late Thought (Editions Rodopi, 2010).
Book Reviews
Review of Body and Hope. A Constructive Interpretation of Recent Eschatology by Means of the Phenomenology of the Body by Johanne S. Teglbjærg Kristensen (Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck, 2013) in Theologische Literaturzeitung (April 2015).
"Saving Apophaticism: Reviewing Hector's Anti-Metaphysics from Within," Philosophy of Religion Panel at the Annual Conference of the American Academy of Religion, Chicago, Illinois, November 2012.
"Prehending Precarity: Presenting a Social Ontology that Feels Beyond the Frame," Annual Conference of the Whitehead Research Project, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, December 2009.
"Reflecting on the Limit: Problematizing Positivity and Going Beyond the Mystical," Theology and Religious Reflection Panel at the Annual Conference of the American Academy of Religion, Montreal, Quebec, November 2009.
"Providing Meaning to the Human Experience in Spite of Epistemic Distance," Annual Conference of the Metanexus Institute, Universidad Pontificia, Madrid, SpainRespondent, "Self or No-Self?: The Debate about Selflessness and the Sense of Self," Annual Philosophy of Religion Conference, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, February 2015.
Respondent, "Skeptical Faith: On Faith, Belief, and Skepticism," Annual Philosophy of Religion Conference, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, February 2010.
Respondent, "Beyond Metaphysics: Transcontinental Explorations in Alfred North Whitehead's Late Thought," Annual Conference of the Whitehead Research Project, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, December 2008.