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- Wellness Guide
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Wellness Guide
Do Well - Being You During COVID-19
We have prepared this Wellness Guide to help support our campus community "Do Well - Being You" during COVID-19. We recognize that this is a challenging time for our broader community and we hope we can provide support for all of us as best as we can. This page will be continually updated as we gather more tips and resources.
Slow the Spread of COVID-19
We can all do our part to contribute to the health of our communities by slowing the spread of COVID-19. Make sure to follow preventative measures and encourage others to do the same.
- Use a face covering when you are out in public when you are around others who are not a part of your household.
- Practice social/physical distancing and maintain a distance of at least six feet between yourself and others who are not a part of your household.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
- Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw used tissues away immediately and wash your hands.
- Remain at home if you are sick
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.
- If a person develops symptoms of COVID-19 and has reason to believe they may have been exposed, they should call their health care provider or local health department before seeking care. Contacting them in advance will make sure that people can get the care they need without putting others at risk. Please be sure to tell your health care provider about your signs, symptoms and travel history. If you suspect that you may have COVID-19, or need testing because of a known exposure, please call your healthcare provider or local hospital, as testing is not available at SHCS.
- Stay informed
- Center for Disease Control
- California Department of Public Health
- California Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response
- Alameda County Public Health Department
- If you do not live in Alameda County, check for information on your local county website.
- City of Hayward:
- If you do not live in Hayward, check for information on your city website.
Do Well - Being You
“Do Well - Being You” is about practicing behaviors that support our well-being. Because we’re a diverse community, this can have many meanings. Below we have a list of ideas on how to Do Well - Being You during COVID-19. Check out the links or list below and try out a few and see what works for you.
It’s one the easiest things we can do anytime we need to pause and center ourselves. Breathing can be done anytime, anywhere, (and it’s free)! Take it a step further and practice deep breathing on a regular basis. Start small by practicing it for a few minutes and work your way up as you get more comfortable. Find a spot where you can focus - it doesn’t have to be large or fancy space, anywhere you feel comfortable will do.
For guided visualizations,
- download an app such as Calm or Headspace
- search for videos on YouTube.
Time Management / Establish a Routine
It can be easy to let the days blur together and lose track of time in this new environment. Take some time to sit down and establish a routine.
Think about all the things you normally do on a typical day and transfer it to a schedule. Be careful not to overschedule yourself - find the balance and plan what’s most realistic for you. Also, be patient with yourself - It takes time to get adjusted to a new routine and to figure out what works best for you.
If you live with others, discuss your schedules with each other to prevent disruptions. Communicate with those you live with on what each others daily activities are, how to best share and respect spaces, and how to support each other. Using assertive communication and active listening will be helpful during discussions.
Create Your Space and Dress the Part
Clear your mind by having a clear space. Evaluate your space and identify an area to dedicate towards schoolwork and keep all your related materials there. Remove anything that may distract you but also keep something nearby that may motivate or inspire you.
CSUEB has prepared these ergonomic suggestions to help us set up our work spaces.
If you’re regularly using web conferencing (like Zoom), think about what other's may be able to view behind you. Having a clean space behind you can make you feel comfortable to use the video feature and help you stay engaged in your class session.
Identify another area for personal activities, even if it’s just the other side of your space. Separating your areas can help you focus and be present when it's time for schoolwork or personal time. In addition, when it’s time to “go to class”, change into your outfit of the day. After you’re done for the day, you can change back into your home clothes or pajamas.
Social Connectedness
Stay connected with your loved ones while maintaining social/physical distancing from people who are not part of your household. Look out for each other to prevent social isolation. Here are a few ideas:
- Use your online tools or apps such as FaceTime, GoogleHangouts, Zoom to conference call
- Do activities together using online tools - cook and/or eat meals at the same time, have an online family game night, and set a date/time to connect so its on your calendars.
- Instead of texting, call and check-in with loved ones periodically.
- Download apps where you can play games or engage with others.
Sleep and Rest
Practice sleep hygiene in order to get quality sleep and rest. Try to reserve your bed for sleeping and not for studying or online classes. For more tips on sleep hygiene: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/articles/sleep-hygiene
Physical Activity
Move more daily and aim for at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week. If you’re not already engaging in physical activity, start small and work your way up. Some activity is better than no activity.
Remember, if going outside, make sure to maintain social/physical distancing and maintain a distance of at least 6 feet away between yourself and others who are not in your household.
Here are a few ideas on how to move more daily:
- COMING SOON! The RAW Personal Trainers will be posting videos and tips on Instagram and YouTube
- Instagram: @eastbayRAW
- YouTube Channel: RAW Center CSUEB
- If you live with others, exercise indoors together.
- Set a timer to take stretch breaks throughout the day.
- Do physical activity while watching TV.
- Do chores around the house.
- If you have a front or backyard, do some gardening or yardwork.
Nutrition and Hydration
Keep up with your health by choosing healthier options for meals and snacks and drink water throughout the day. Below are a few resources:
- Food Pantries and Food Access
- ChooseMyPlate - College Resources
- Looking for a challenge? Download the Start Simple with MyPlate app to help track your healthy eating goals!
Sexual Health
If you are sexually active, prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections by using protection. Student Health & Counseling Services is still open at this time if you would like to pick up free condoms or access reproductive health services. FamilyPACT is a state administered program that can help pay for these services. Click here for more information and for the online application.
Take Time for Yourself
Feeling like you need a break from things? Here are a few ideas of things you can do:
- De-clutter and clean out your space. Gather and set aside items that can be donated at a later time when we are no longer sheltering in place.
- Learn a new language, hobby, or art/craft. There are online resources now available hosting free lessons for a variety of activities.
- Unplug from technology and read a book for fun
- Take time to journal, write, or draw.
- Tackle that project you've been meaning to get to but didn't have the time to do so before.
- Create boundaries when taking in or discussing information that may make you feel overwhelmed. Take breaks from technology as much as you need to.
- Practice gratitude. Identify something that went well each day.
Give Back
Feeling like you want to contribute some positive energy outward? Here are a few ideas:
- The best way to support our community is to stay home and shelter in place in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. If going out for essential needs, practice social/physical distancing and maintain a distance of at least six feet between yourself and others who are not a part of your household.
- Offer to pick up groceries for a family member, friend, or neighbor that may fall within a higher risk category for COVID-19.
- Support small businesses by purchasing take out from them and purchasing gift cards to use at a later time.
- Share credible information about resources to those in need.
- Practice sustainability - prevent waste and be mindful of our resources.
Last Updated: 07/30/2020
Campus Resources
Pioneers for H.O.P.E. has prepared a COVID-19 Basic Needs Resource Guide. If you have any questions, please email hope@csueastbay.edu or call 510-885-HOPE (4673).
Emergency financial assistance and support services are included in the guide. If a student has an Emergency need related to the COVID-19 disruption, you can apply to the student Emergency Assistance Fund via Baysync.
Medical Appointments at Student Health & Counseling Services will be available remotely on Monday-Friday from 10:00am-2:00pm, and selected urgent visits on Thursdays 10:00am-2:00pm. To make an appointment, login to MyPioneerHealth, or call the main phone number at 510-885-3735. We are available for medical appointments and advice for any non-COVID-19 related illness/issues. We do not provide COVID-19 testing.
If you have any questions, please call (510) 885-3735.
- Counseling Services will be provided by phone or Zoom Health Monday-Thursday from 9:00am-5:00pm. Groups on managing anxiety and developing healthy coping are available Monday-Thursday at 12pm over Zoom Health. Students can make an appointment for either service online at: https://health.csueastbay.
edu. After hours crisis counseling services are available by calling our main number at 510-885-3735 and choosing option 2. - Active Minds is an organization that promotes mental health among college students. Click here for their webinars and resources.
CSUEB Updates
Stay up to date with information from Cal State East Bay:
- Check your Horizon email
- CSUEB Latest information on COVID-19
- Instagram: @csueb
Social Media
Follow the following Instagram accounts for additional updates: