Vanessa R Yingling, Ph.D. FACSM Faculty Profile

Photo of Vanessa Yingling

Vanessa  R  Yingling, Ph.D. FACSM


Department of Kinesiology

Dr. Yingling received her Ph.D. in Kinesiology with a concentration in Biomechanics from the University of Waterloo.  She completed a post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine.  Her undergraduate degree was in Bioengineering from the University of California-San Diego and her master’s degree in Exercise Science from the University at Buffalo.  She is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine.  Osteoporosis is a “pediatric disease with geriatric consequences” therefore Dr. Yingling’s long-term research goal is to investigate how to “grow a strong skeleton”. Her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIA and NIAMS).  

Past Chair 2023: Society for Transparency Openness and Replication in Kinesiology -

Associate Editor 2022: Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport

Section Editor 2023 - Exercise & Bone: Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Fitness Gram Advisory Board 2022 – The Cooper Institute

NIH Biosketch: Click Here

Osteoporosis is NOT a disease of the elderly, it is “a pediatric disease with geriatric consequences” and therefore, maximizing bone mass during growth is one strategy to prevent osteoporosis and fragility fractures later in life.  However, there are currently no easy screening tools to determine a child's bone strength.  Over 10 million children complete the FitnessGram®, a non-competitive health-related fitness assessment based on the scientifically established Healthy Fitness Zone, however, current tests do not include measures of bone health. A low cost easy-to-apply general screening tool is needed and should be integrated into schools, youth sport leagues, community centers, and clinics.


  • Ph.D. University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada
Spring Semester 2025
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
KIN 30101Applied Musculoskeletal AnatomW2:00PM3:40PMPE-0139Hayward Campus
KIN 31001Bone Health and ExerciseTTH1:15PM2:30PMPE-0139Hayward Campus
KIN 49801InternshipARRARRHayward Campus
KIN 60801BiomechanicsW6:00PM9:45PMPE-0124Hayward Campus
KIN 69001Independent StudyARRARRHayward Campus
KIN 69101University ThesisARRARRHayward Campus