GANAS Learning Community

GANAS students are enrolled in a cohort-based learning community, moving together through their first year as  transfer students at Cal State East Bay. Through this clustered coursework, students can begin to integrate into the university, feel connected, and develop a sense of belonging while surrounded by fellow GANAS participants.

Upper-Division Graduation Requirement Courses

Transfer students must complete twelve (12) units of upper-division graduation requiremnt courses at Cal State East Bay. GANAS students will fulfills these G.E. Breadth Requirements as well as overlays, by enrolling and completing the following two (2) classes during their first year:

Professors: Luz Calvo and Alberto Valdivia

Ethnic Studies 327 (fulfills UD GE D4 and Sustainability overlay)

Decolonize Your Diet: Food Justice in Communities of Color (3 units)

This course explores issues related to food justice in communities of color in the US. Topics may include recovering knowledge about ancestral food, community gardens in urban environments, or healing from Western diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.


Professor: Maria Nieto

Biology 333 (fulfills UD GE B6)

Humans and Sex (3 units)

The genetic, hormonal and behavioral basis of sexuality in humans from conception to adulthood; developmental and behavioral variation; enhancement and suppression of fertility; genetic screening. 

General Studies Courses

As participants in the GANAS Program, students must enroll in a Transfer Success Seminar course each semester during their first year. The course will exclusively be taught by our GANAS Transfer Academic Counselor, who has received specialized GANAS training focusing on supporting Latinx students.

Professor: Gerardo Ureño

General Studies 331, 332  (fulfills Social Justice overlay)

Transfer Success Seminar (Fall 1 unit; Spring 2 units) 

The seminar course will help students connect with other transfer students, learn the new environment, find the resources to be successful, explore major and/or career interests, develop strategies for getting involved on campus, and assist in goal setting as students look to graduation - it's the GANAS's how-to course for life after you transfer to Cal State East Bay.