Carbon Commitment


Cal State East Bay made a commitment to carbon neutrality when President Morishita signed the Carbon Commitment with Second Nature in January 2015. As a result, Cal State East Bay has:

  • Established the Campus Sustainability Committee.
  • Conducted a baseline greenhouse gas inventory in the academic year 2013/2014 and an associated detailed report. A greenhouse gas inventory has been conducted each year since the baseline. 
  • Adopted a comprehensive campus Climate Action Plan (CAP) with a target date of 2040 to reach carbon neutrality. 
  • Written an annual CAP Progress Report.
  • Created a Sustainability Dashboard (linked above) that visually represents sustainability-related campus metrics.

Cal State East Bay’s emissions over time, annual progress evaluations, and its CAP may be found on the Second Nature Reporting Framework.

The Climate Action Plan (CAP) is the campus’ guiding document to reach carbon neutrality. As the CAP is a 5-year plan, the Progress Reports tracking the university’s annual progress by academic year.

Cal State East Bay Climate Action Plan (2018)

AY19/20 Progress Report

AY18/19 Progress Report

The Climate Action Plan (CAP) contains 8 Umbrella Policies and 52 Action Steps intended to guide greenhouse gas emissions reduction efforts to reach carbon neutrality by 2040. Umbrella Policies act as the overarching guidance for the more specific Action Step operations and projects.

CAP AirTable

AirTable is a database-spreadsheet hybrid software. In the linked AirTables you will find progress on the CAP Umbrella Policies and CAP Action Steps organized in databases.

CAP Excel Sheet

The Excel Sheets highlight the CAP Umbrella Policies and CAP Action Steps organized into simple tables.