Alumni and Faculty Research

Alumni and Faculty Research

Links to the research of our faculty, students and alumni, including published papers, whitepapers, and policy briefs.



  • What supports teacher instructional change for environmental education? This study provides evidence that integrating NGSS Science and Engineering Practices with stewardship may help infuse EE into classrooms. Teacher instructional change came about through the expectations and supportive resources provided by the professional development, teacher observation of student engagement, and the justification NGSS integration provided for stewardship. Kathryn Hayes

  • What happens to teachers' preservice learning once they get into the classroom? This multiple case study uses a critical, complex perpective to look at how three first-year science teachers translated their pre-service learning into their new classrooms. The study shows that teacher development is non-linear and shaped by many factors--not just the teacher herself, but her students, her context, and much more. And, the understandings teachers form in their preservice programs continue to morph as they come into composition with new students, new school contexts, other actors in the environment, and so on. Together, all these factors form a "teaching assemblage" that collectively co-constructs teaching and learning. Katie Strom