STEP 1: If Major Department does not consistently offer an internship course for academic credit, they will need to request to open a 398, 498, or 698 Internship course prior to the term for which they would like to offer the internship course. Contact the Registrar for more information on process.
STEP 2: Internship courses and courses with offsite experiential learning experiences will be automatically flagged as either a"NTRN" or service learning "CSL" course based on the course description/ requirements
STEP 3: Once a course has been flagged as an "NTRN" course by the office of the Registrar, the course will auto upload into CalStateS4 platform for use by the faculty of record. For more information on how to flag your course as an internship, service learning and or both please email:
STEP 4: Faculty of record and department staff vetting the internship process for their department will be able to log into CalStateS4 with their NETID and PSWD. Faculty of record will be able to manage their internship course and student placements through this platform. If you are unable to access CalStateS4 email:
STEP 5: Students will complete the Internship Intake Form. Faculty of record will approve/deny request. The use of CalStateS4 does not eliminate the step to enroll students through PeopleSoft. This is the last step of the student enrollment process for the internship course. See attached Faculty guide and below video for detailed steps of this process.