Asian Pacific American Student Success Scholarships & Awards

APIA Scholars Scholarship

The APIA Scholars and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution (AANAPISI) Scholarship Program is a collaboration with AANAPISIs and the communities they serve to provide scholarships, expand institutional capacity and mobilize local resources to help foster economic development.

APIFSA Scholarship

The Asian Pacific Islander Faculty and Staff Association (APIFSA) Scholarship is a CSUEB university-wide scholarship. To qualify for this opportunity, applicants must meet the eligibility requirements and submit a supplemental essay about how you plan to serve the Asian/Pacific Islander population and how your ethnic/racial background has influenced your educational choices.

Pioneer Scholarships

Pioneer Scholarships are funds offered to students by individual donors, charitable organizations, local businesses, corporations, and government grants to CSUEB students who meet specific criteria.  Scholarships may be awarded on merit, need, or a combination of factors and do not require repayment.