Off-Campus Resources

Off-Campus Resources

Food/Cash Assistance


  • CalWORKs is a public assistance program that provides cash aid and services to eligible families that have a child(ren) in the home. The program serves all 58 counties in the state and is operated locally by county welfare departments.


  • CalFresh is for people with low-income who meet federal income eligibility rules and want to add to their budget to put healthy and nutritious food on the table.

Alameda County Community Food Bank

  • For over 35 years the ACCFB has stood by their unwavering belief that food is a basic human right. They have distributed and will continue to distribute millions of healthy meals every year, and are at the forefront of new approaches to ending hunger and poverty in our communities.

COVID-19 Resources

California State Disability Insurance (SDI)

  • The SDI program provides partial wage replacement benefits to eligible California workers who are unable to work due to a non-work-related illness, injury, or pregnancy. SDI contributions are paid by California workers through employee payroll deductions.

Paid Family Leave (PFL)

  • The California Paid Family Leave (PFL) provides partial wage-replacement benefits to California workers who take time off from work for what matters most – caring for a seriously ill family member, bonding with a new child (including newly fostered and adopted children), or participating in a qualifying military event.