Student Health and Counseling Services

Student Health & Counseling Services is a fully accredited outpatient clinic staffed by Board Certified Physicians, and licensed Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, and Counselors. Student Health & Counseling Services offers basic medical care for most illnesses and injuries and various elective services.

To provide the highest quality of care, Student Health and Counseling Services utilizes an integrated approach to your care. This means Student Health and Counseling Services staff (primary care physicians, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, nurses, counselors, and Health Promotion staff) may consult with one another on an as needed basis to coordinate your care. The medical information exchanged may include, but is not limited to, diagnosis, medications, laboratory results and sharing of medical/mental health notes. In addition, counselors may discuss your case with one another or videotape sessions (with your permission) for supervision purposes.

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