
Hear from previous fellows, students, and mentors who have been involved with Women in Leadership.

"What really helped me during this course was the speakers that we listened to. Hearing real-life experiences from so many successful people and what they went through made me realize that everyone's path is different, and the lessons they learn are things everyone can benefit from. Negotiations were something really important to me because it helped me in my new career and negotiating what I want."
- Undergraduate Student

"This was an amazing course. I did not realize how much I would learn and how much confidence I would be able to build. I would love to take courses like this that help build yourself up as a confident person and businesswoman."
- Undergraduate Student

"Thank you so so so much for this course! It has been lesson after lesson in each class and everything I've learned is something I'll be able to teach others and use in my everyday life. I value each lesson I learned this semester and I'm so grateful I took this course. Thank you so much, Professors Rao & Hollenbeck! You guys are amazing."
-Undergraduate Student


"As a fellow, I was able to apply the learning outcomes of the course to my social impact project. By being true to myself and expressing my passion, I was able to work on a project for a cause that I am extraordinarily passionate about. I am so thankful to have experienced this amazing opportunity. I now feel a greater sense of confidence, have gained professional experience, and made some amazing friends and connections. "

- Sabina W., WIL Fellow

"My advice for aspiring leaders and people who want to join the fellowship program is to find a project that truly inspires them and you are passionate about. One of the most resonating pieces of advice I learned from the fellowship is to focus on resilience and not perfection. A lot of us feel a strong fear of failure - don’t be afraid of it. Feel the fear, and believe you can do it! When you push yourself beyond your comfort zone, you can learn a great deal. Lastly, never be afraid to ask for help - some wonderful people are more than willing to share their wisdom and knowledge if you simply ask."
- Jamieelee G., MBA student, WIL Fellow

"I am so glad that I “accidentally” enrolled in the Women in Leadership MBA course and had the opportunity to listen and learn from Professors Rao and Nayak, the esteemed WIL guest speakers, and especially my fellow classmates. This course provided a data-driven approach to understanding and improving the historic inequality faced by women in the workplace. This was coupled with an open forum where important concepts like the Labyrinth of Leadership, Influence and Power tactics, and effective workplace communication tools were discussed. As one of the only students in the class who identified as male, I have gained greater awareness, especially of my own responsibility as an HR Administrator to champion and advocate for others through effective allyship in the workplace."
- Richard T. M., MBA '21

"A takeaway for me has been self-discovery. I have always loved working with people and being a support person in any way, but Women in Leadership has allowed me to really grow in this role. I have had the opportunity to showcase my strengths as well as develop some areas I personally consider weaknesses, such as research. I never thought I was very strong at being a research person, but this fellowship gave me the opportunity to reach beyond my comfort zone and push myself. "
- Aubrey Martinez, MBA '19, WIL Fellow

"The Women in Leadership course is one of the many areas of focus HR professionals should become familiar with in order to be effective leaders in the industry, covering history throughout this country and around the world that clearly shows how women have not been treated equally in the workplace compared to men. The glass ceiling is real, and not until recently have we seen some positive changes that have improved the inequality that women experience in the workplace. This course opened my eyes to the reality of inequality that still exists in our current workforce with men versus women.  It has offered me a different perspective and view on this subject matter and has also played an integral role in developing a personal respect level for the challenges women face in the workforce and diversity/inclusion collectively. I highly recommend this course as an HR elective to broaden educational knowledge on the reality of the current workforce involving inequalities women experience in comparison to their men counterparts. "
- Nicholas C., MBA '21

"Mentorship is important to me as it is a wonderful opportunity to give back. I have struggled up the corporate ladder and didn’t always take the easiest path and with that, I have learned a lot. I’m at the point in my career where I want to reach back and give someone a helping hand up that ladder."
- Tammy Cameron, WIL Mentor,  BS '88 BA, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President, Finance and Human Resources

"Join the fellowship program as you will meet individuals with similar leadership aspirations, learn and develop your own leadership skills, and have the opportunity to be mentored by other senior women."
-  Amy Schioldager, WIL Mentor, BSBA '89, Board Director, Finance Executive & Strategic Advisor