Annual Schedule

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Math Department Annual Schedule
Course Course Name Fall Spring Summer
Math 110(E) Finite Math for Business  X X X
Math 115E College Algebra  X X X
Math 118(E) Math for Arts and Humanities  X X
Math 120 Precalculus X X X
Math 125 Precalculus with Algebra X X X
Math 130 Calculus 1* X X X
Math 131 Calculus 2* X X
Math 211 Discrete Structures (cross listed with CS 211 X X
Math 215 Introduction to  Linear Algebra X X
Math 225 Numerical Algorithms & Linear Alg for CS X X
Math 230 Calculus 3* X X
Math 285 Introduction to Differential Equations X X
Math 300 Introduction to Mathematical Proof* X X
Math 305 Mathematical Software X X
Math 310 Linear Algebra Theory X
Math 318 Mathematical Contributions to Modern Society (not for major credit) X X
Math 320 Abstract Algebra I* X
Math 321 Algebra II X
Math 330 Analysis I* X
Math 331 Analysis II X
Math 340 Modern Geometry* X
Math 360 Number Theory* X
Math 370 Numerical Analysis I X
Math 380 Linear Programming X
Math 385 Differential Equations I* X
Math 493 Senior Seminar* X
Math 4xx Upper Division Elective TBD TBD
Graduate Level Courses Fall  Spring
Math 605 Teaching Math at the University Level X X
Core Courses
Math 620 Advanced Algebra X
Math 630 Real Analysis X
Math 670 Numerical Analysis X
Choose 2 from 4 The years in which these four courses appear will vary
Math 640 Complex Variables X
Math 660 Topology X
Math 675 Differential Equations X
Math 680 Optimization X
Math 692 Capstone X X
Math 6xx Graduate Level Elective TBD TBD