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Accessibility Services

510-885-3868 ▪ ▪ LI 2400

Who We Are

Accessibility Services (AS) provides academic accommodations to qualified students with disabilities to promote equal access to courses and campus activities in a manner consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, associated California laws and regulations, and CSU policy.Accessibility Services welcomes the diversity that those with disabilities bring to the Cal State East Bay community. This includes students, faculty, and staff helping to create an inclusive academic environment that promotes dignity, reduces stigma, and encourages self-advocacy for individuals with disabilities.


Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 ("Title IX"), 20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq., is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex - including pregnancy and parental status - in educational programs and activities. Read more about Cal State East Bay's policies regarding pregnancy here.

On-Campus Inaccessibility

If you encounter something on a CSU East Bay Campus that you feel is inaccessible (physically, access to course or university materials, etc.), please let us know by completing the Report of On-Campus Inaccessibility by clicking on the button below or by filling out the form below and returning it to Accessibility Services as soon as possible.

Report of On-Campus Inaccessibility Form

Register To Vote

Did you know that people with disabilities are under-represented at the voting polls? Make sure you are represented by registering to vote!

Contact Us

Accessibility Services
  • 25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard
  • LI 2400
  • (Across from the Old Library/Starbucks)
  • Hayward, CA 94542