Rental Policy


California State University, East Bay(CSUEB), like many Universities, rents facilities to various types of organizations such as profit organizations, non-profits organizations, campus affiliates, and use for campus instructional use. Universities rent their facilities for three primary reasons:

  1. to generate revenue to support the university's aging infrastructure;
  2. to actively engage the surrounding community
  3. to showcase campus' programs and amenities.

Use of Facilities

Any use of university facilities will be charged fees in accordance with the following provisions. Direct and indirect fees will be applied to the three (3) categories of activities below.

  • Non-Affiliates:
    • For-Profit or Commercial activities.
    • Non-profit/Non-university groups or organizations.
  • Affiliates:
    • University/Affiliate Partners –An active/retired CSUEB employee, current student, alumni, athletic conference team, or partner of the University.*
    • Instructional use of facilities as contained in the schedule of classes or campus department will not be charged fees.**
Non-Affiliates(For-Profit) Non-Affiliates(Non-Profit) Affiliates
100% Charge 50% Charge 25% Charge


*Organizer of the event must be present for the entire event. Affiliates are not permitted to host an
activity in which another organization is benefiting from the use of it nor conduct a personal commercial

**Event related direct costs such as event monitors, staging crews, facility personnel, security/policing,
waste cans, special event chairs, fencing, and other service fees will be applied to all rentals as
applicable. In addition, a 5% administrative fee will be assessed for planning and coordination of all

Athletic Staff/Monitors – All athletic facility reservations are subject to a one-week cancellation policy. If a reservation is cancelled within one week of the event, the renter is required to pay any and all athletic staff and athletic monitor fees. University Scheduling will bill the renter for these fees.

Theatre Technicians/House Staff – All Theatre reservations require Theatre Technicians and sometimes House Staff. Since this personnel are scheduled in advance, Theatre reservations are subject to a two-week cancellation policy. If a reservation is cancelled within two weeks of the event, the renter is required to pay 50% of all personnel charges. If a Theatre reservation is cancelled within one week of the event the renter is required to pay any and all Theatre Technicians and House Staff personnel fees. University Scheduling will bill the renter for these fees.

Music Department Monitor – All MB 1055 reservations require a Music Department Monitor. Since this personnel are scheduled in advance, MB 1055 reservations are subject to a two-week cancellation policy. If a reservation is cancelled within two weeks of the event the renter is required to pay any and all Music Dept personnel fees. University Scheduling will bill the renter for these fees.