Overview  | Concentrations | Advising

BA Degree Program Overview

Graduating with a bachelor of arts (BA) degree in History from Cal State East Bay gives you the skills and knowledge to move into a wide choice of careers in the fields of education, law, business, public service, historic preservation, library science, publishing, digital media, and communication. Our recent Cal State East Bay History graduates have successfully moved into all of these fields, sometimes with the BA alone, and in other cases with advanced, specialized degrees.

The History BA degree is a flexible, foundational liberal arts degree. Our graduates possess exceptional skills in analysis, research, interpretation, and written and oral communication. Cal State East Bay History majors are also culturally sensitive, careful thinkers, who work successfully in collaboration with others and with a powerful sense of ethics, derived from historical study.

Our graduates teach in schools across the greater Bay Area, and at all levels of education, including K-12, community colleges, and colleges and universities. History graduates also work in notable Bay Area companies and start-ups, including Tesla, as data specialists, and in digital technology and media. Cal State East Bay history graduates frequently pursue careers in law, government, and business--fields in which critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and judgment are imperatives.

A detailed guide, Careers for History Majors, by the American Historical Association, offers insight into diverse career fields our graduates can pursue. The guide also shares recent salary data and connects the academic study of History to skills and dispositions sought by employers. It is very helpful to read while preparing a resume, cover letter, or professional profile for a job search after graduation.

The History major concentrations at Cal State East Bay are thematic, so that students can study the historical roots of urgent questions today, comparatively. Students select one of these themes at the time that they apply to Cal State East Bay. It is easy to switch your concentration, if you find yourself gravitating to courses in another area.

All of our concentrations may be completed through courses offered in person or via hybrid and 100% online formats. 

We explain each of our three concentrations here:


Migration & Globalization

Migration & Globalization

Migration and Globalization are among the most important forces for historical change, fostering the exchange of people, goods, and ideas between regions, countries, and cultures. The transformation process of migration and globalization has promoted diversity, encouraged collaboration, and generated gains, but an increasingly complex and global world has also resulted in new social, economic, and political challenges. This concentration examines the causes and consequences of migration and globalization for the past, present, and future.

See in Catalog
Sustainability & Modernization

Sustainability & Modernization

Sustainability means more than just recycling. A society is deemed sustainable when environmental, economic, and ethical considerations are equally addressed.

Modernization efforts, whether in the ancient or modern worlds, can often alter a society’s sustainability by privileging economic growth at the expense of environmental or social justice considerations. Courses in this concentration will focus on the history of sustainability and the impacts of modernization on cultures--past and present.

See In Catalog
Social Justice and Citizenships

Social Justice & Citizenships

Concentrating in Social Justice & Citizenships enables you to understand how citizenship in the United States, in the ancient past, and throughout the world has had different meanings. What does citizenship involve, what rights and privileges does it give to individuals? Citizenship is also directly related to social justice, as groups who have been denied citizenship have fought to be a part of their communities. The effort to achieve rights--social, economic, sexual, and political--is a critical part of the historical experience.

See In Catalog

Our BA degree at Cal State East Bay also invites History majors to take innovative courses in applied history, so that students can practice career-based skills in collaboration with others. Our applied courses delve into digital tools and communication, teaching, and public history and publishing. Linked labs for success, another unique feature of our program, allow students to consider more specific careers. Often taught be senior career professionals, these labs address careers in law, land conservation and stewardship, film, and digital media, among others.

The History faculty at Cal State East Bay are dedicated advisors. We assist you in selecting classes each semester, developing and refining your professional goals, and making sure you make it to the finish line, graduation.

Additionally, the History Department annually awards approximately $25,000 in scholarships and recognition for excellence and effort in our programs. More information about our scholarships and awards can be found here. These awards can assist students in offsetting the cost of the college degree. We are very fortunate in having a committed group of donors known as the Friends of History who are eager to support Cal State East Bay History majors.

Please find additional information about our BA degree program through links to our complete program descriptions, graduation roadmaps, and class schedules.


Our History Faculty Advisors for 2024-2025 include: Dr. Anna Alexander, Dr. Jason Daniels, Dr. Bridget Ford, Dr. Vahid Fozdar, Dr. Elizabeth McGuire, Dr. Michael Schulze-Oechtering, and Dr. Jessica Weiss.

Who is my History faculty advisor?
Faculty advisors are assigned to History majors based upon interests and connections that students develop through their courses, or depending upon their standing (whether first-year students, sophomores, juniors, or graduating seniors). Students can see their assigned faculty advisor within MyCompass. Students can also connect with assigned advisors through Bay Advisor.

New and prospective History majors and minors should contact Dr. Bridget Ford to establish a customized degree roadmap or to learn more about how our programs can support your goals.

What can I expect from History major advising?

Our most important History major advising goal is to support your efficient and timely graduation--in four years for freshmen, and in four semesters for transfer students. Your advisors make sure you only take the classes you need for graduation. We also cohort History majors, so that you take classes according to the design and intention of the degree, building to our History Research Capstone course, where you will complete an original research project of their own choosing and design. We use a digital degree planner that is available to you 24/7, so that you can easily see your path to graduation, in sequence.

We also provide expert guidance in the following areas:

  • Advanced degree planning for a wide range of graduate programs and degrees;
  • Career planning, by talking with you about your goals in relation to the History degree and by connecting you with internships and career services in our Career Empowerment Center.
  • Strategies for success and support, including the high-quality professional advice available to Cal State East Bay students for academic tutoring, mental health, and Accessibility Services.

How can I meet with my advisor?

The History Department provides individualized advising for its majors. Our advising reports and roadmaps are available to students 24/7, and faculty advisors reach out to students every semester for check-ins and future planning. We are also eager to address any advising questions you may have through flexible formats, including:

  • In-person meetings at department offices in the SF building
  • Video-conference (e.g., Zoom) meetings
  • Phone call or text (via Bay Advisor)
  • Email

Why are there several people listed as my advisor in Bay Advisor?

Many History majors have additional advisors for specific programs they may be participating in. All students also have designated General Education/Breadth advisors to guide students. In 2024-2025, the General Education/Breadth Advisor for History majors is Sharla Blank. Her email address is sharla.blank@csueastbay.edu


Contact Us

Department of History
  • 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd
  • Student and Faculty Support (SF)
  • 4th Floor, Office 442
  • Hayward, CA