Asian Pacific Islander Faculty & Staff Association

Supporting our Community in the Midst of COVID-19

Racism and xenophobia against the Asian community have grown in the wake of COVID-19.  Please visit the Office of Diversity webpage and APIFSA's COVID-19 webpage for the University's response to this.  These two pages provide education on this subject and resources to support our API community during this time.

APIFSA Undocumented Flyer
Click here for more information and resources for Undocumented Students.

Our Mission: 

We strive to cultivate a rich culture, community, and sanctuary that celebrates and nurtures both the uniqueness as well as commonalities of our lived, socio-historic Asian and Pacific Islander realities as a way to build solidarity with each other, the greater CSUEB community, and the world beyond.

Our Vision: 

We envision a culturally and politically connected and accessible Asian Pacific Islander community of students, staff, and faculty at CSU East Bay that is grounded upon growth, authenticity, storytelling, and community.

Our Values:

  • GROWTH: We believe that individual, collective, and community growth that leads towards self actualization and self determination involves learning that is non-judgmental, self-reflective, healing, and critically challenging of our personal system of beliefs and understanding.
  • AUTHENTICITY: We believe in nurturing our authentic selves as well as our unique and shared API-ness through connections, practices, and relationships that support our growth, learning, communal practices, and overall well-being.
  • STORYTELLING:  We believe that storytelling, as a common practice within each of our API backgrounds to share knowledge, is an essential element to strengthening the culture of our community through knowing ourselves, each other, and our shared histories & traditions.  
  • COMMUNITY: We believe that cultivating a community of belongingness, support, healing, and engagement with self, each other, and the world around us requires that we co-create a culture that fosters our connections and builds solidarity.