- Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism
- Job Announcements
- Job and Career Opportunities
- interest-form.htm
- get-connected-list.pdf
- 4-h-summer-camp-counselor-2025.pdf
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- sleepyhollowlifeguardjobdescrip.pdf
- echo-lake-hiring-flyers-summer-2025.pdf
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- city-hiring-graphic-png-new-25-spanish-updated-dates.pdf
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- 2025-ylp-field-instructor-job-description.pdf
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- About Us
- The HRT Department
- Faculty / Staff
- Dr. Jaesung An
- Dr. Saehya Ann
- Dr. Chris Chamberlain
- Walter Dennis
- Dave Epperson
- Dr. Mary Fortune
- Dr. Elizabeth Friedmann
- Dr. Zach Hallab
- Ken Hanley
- Janeen Hill
- Keelin Jardin
- Dr. Erick Kong
- James Lim
- Dr. Thomas C. Padron
- Eve Marie Little
- Dr. Alexandra Sandoval
- Lisa Smusz
- Dr. Melany Spielman (Faculty Emeritus)
- Dr. Nancy White
- History of HRT at CSUEB
- The HRT Advisory Committee
- HRT Student Profiles
- Friends of HRT
- Donate
- Faculty / Staff
- Undergraduate Programs
- M.S. in Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism
- HRT Advising
- Resources and Opportunities
Becoming a Minor in HRT
A minor in HRT can be the perfect complement to your current declared major. There are many exciting careers in Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation that can put your accounting, business or psychology degree to good use! Check out our minor programs which are listed below or for more information contact our office at 510-885-3043.
HOS 200 - Lodging Management Units: 3
HOS 205 - Tourism Management Units: 3; G.E./G.R. Area: D1-3
HOS 215 - Food and Beverage Management Units: 3
HOS 300 - Marketing in Hospitality, Recreation, Recreation Therapy, and Tourism Units: 3
HOS 400 - Introduction to Finance in Hospitality, Recreation, Recreation Therapy, and Tourism Units: 3
HOS 410 - Revenue Management in Hospitality and Tourism Units: 3
Choose two (2) courses for 6 units from the following:
HOS 210 - Meetings, Conventions, & Special Events Units: 3
HOS 225 - Technology in Hospitality and Tourism Units: 3
HOS 410 - Revenue Management in Hospitality and Tourism Units: 3
REC 425 - Strategic Positioning in Recreation Units: 3
HOS 450 - Data-Driven Decision Making in Hospitality, Recreation, Recreation Therapy, and Tourism Units: 3
REC 100 - Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism, Recreation, and Recreation Therapy Units: 3; G.E./G.R. Area: D1-3
REC 200 - Serving Diverse Populations in Hospitality, Recreation, Rec Therapy and Tourism Units: 3; G.E./G.R. Area: D1-3; Social Justice
REC 210 - Programming in Community Recreation, Sport and Camp Units: 3
REC 325 - Leadership, Management and Ethics in Hospitality, Recreation, Rec Therapy, and Tourism Units: 3
Elective Coursework (Choose three (3) courses for 9 units from the following):
HOS 435 - Advanced Community Engagement Units: 3; G.E./G.R. Area: E
REC 230 - Introduction to Youth Development Units: 3; G.E./G.R. Area: D1-3
REC 235 - Leisure, Self, and Society Units: 3; G.E./G.R. Area: D1-3
REC 300 - Wellness Through Leisure Units: 3; G.E./G.R. Area: D4
REC 310 - Women and Leisure Units: 3; G.E./G.R. Area: D4
REC 340 - Sustainable Facilities, Parks and Open Space Units: 3; G.E./G.R. Area: Sustainability