
Pivot by ProQuest is a comprehensive search engine that can help you find funding, track opportunities, and search for calls for papers. Below you will find a sampling of some of the training videos on how to use Pivot.  All training videos (such as those below) can be found on the Pivot YouTube Channel and in the Knowledge Center

A Powerpoint Slides may be found here: Powerpoint Slides

Setting Up Your Account and Profile

Setting Up Your Account and Profile

Updating Your Pivot Profile

Updating Your Pivot Profile

Basic Searching for Funding

Basic Searching for Funding

Advanced Searching for Funding

Advanced Searching for Funding

Navigating Pivot Funding Results

Navigating Pivot Funding Results

Managing Pivot Funding Opportunities

Managing Pivot Funding Opportunities

Discovering Pivot Profiles

Discovering Pivot Profiles

Creating & Managing User Groups

Creating & Managing User Groups