Centers and Institutes at CSUEB

Campus Centers and Institutes are research organizations affiliated with the CSUEB campus that offer non-credit instruction, information or other services to constituencies beyond the campus community, serving individuals, public organizations, and private agencies.


A Centers and Institutes is a formally approved interdisciplinary and/or collaborative unit that:

  1. Is organized around a scholarly, creative, research, education, and/or public service activity that combines the interests and expertise of individuals, departments or administrative units, and may draw on expertise of others external to the campus or the Academy; and
  2. May offer services to constituents beyond the campus community, e.g., individuals as well as private and public entities. While the Centers and Institutes by their nature and location serve the campus community, their focus is not exclusively internal.

 Click on the link to view the CSUEB Centers and Institutes Policies and Procedures.

If you would like to apply or renew a charter application or submit your Centers and Institutes’ annual review, click on the InfoReady link.


All Centers and Institutes annual reports will be due no later than September 30 each year. The annual reports will be accepted between August 1 - September 30. 


 Center Name

Director Established Expires Due date to submit Charter Renewal Application
Center for Community Engagement Mary D'Alleva

Feb. 20, 2020

19-20 CR 5

June 30, 2025

Sept. 1, 2024

Center for Disability Justice Research: Health Equity, Education, and Creativity

Prof. Shubha Kashinath

Prof. Sarah Taylor

June 30, 2022

21-22 CR 13

June 30, 2027

Sept. 1, 2026

Center for Economic Education Prof. Jane Lopus

May 5, 2020

19-20 CR 7

June 30, 2025

Sept. 1, 2024

Center for Professional Excellence in Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism

Zach Hallab

July 1, 2019

18-19 CR 10

June 30, 2024 Sept. 1, 2023
Center for Research, Equity, and Collaborative Engagement Prof. Kathryn Hayes

Nov. 17, 2020

20-21 CR 5

June 30, 2026

Sept. 1, 2024

Center for Sport and Social Justice

Prof. Matthew Atencio

Prof. E. Missy Wright

July 1, 2019

18-19 CR 13

23-24 CR 9

June 30, 2029 Sept. 1, 2028

Opportunities for Student Scholarship, Creative Activities and Research (OSCAR)

Formerly (CSR) Center for Student Research

Jennifer Sherwood

July 1, 2019

18-19 CR 11

Feb 22, 2024

23-24 CR 8

June 30, 2029 Sept. 1, 2028

Forensic Science Research Center

Prof. Michelle Rippy

May 12, 2022

21-22 CR 14

May 11, 2027 Sept. 1, 2026

Galindo Creek Field Station

Kevin Kenny, Interim Director

October 26, 2018

17-18 CR 5

October 26, 2023 Sept. 1, 2022

Green Biome Institute

Prof. Chris Baysdorfer

July 1, 2019

18-19 CR 8

23-24 CR 11

June 30, 2029 Sept. 1, 2028

Institute for STEM Education

Bruce Simon

July 1, 2017

16-17 CR 1

June 30, 2027


Sept. 1, 2027

Smith Center for Private Enterprise

Izzet Darendeli, Director


May 31, 2022

21-22 CR 08

June 30, 2026

Sept. 1, 2025