Subject Tutoring

Tutoring Options

Schedule a one-hour appointment with a SCAA Subject Tutor, Monday through Friday (virtual options only on Fridays). In-person tutoring takes place in the CORE, Room 343.

A student and a SCAA tutor working together on a laptop

One-on-One Tutoring

Looking to work one-on-one with a peer tutor? Schedule a one-time, hour-long appointment through Bay Advisor (in-person and virtual appointment options).

A SCAA tutor drawing diagrams on a whiteboard

Drop-in Tutoring

During the Fall and Spring terms, the SCAA has limited drop-in tutoring for high-demand courses. Visit the SCAA in Room 343 of the CORE Building for more information.

SCAA Tutor Availability (Supported-Course Lists) - Fall 2024

  • BIOL 100 (Biology in the Real World)
  • BIOL 101 (Introduction to Biology)
  • BIOL 130 (Connecting to Biology)
  • BIOL 140A (Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology)
  • BIOL 140B (Principles of Organismal Biology)
  • BIOL 310 (Genetic Analysis I)
  • BIOL 320 (Evolutionary Biology)
  • BIOL 410 (Genetic Analysis II)
  • BIOL 424 (Bioinformatics)
  • CHEM 100 (Introduction to College Chemistry)
  • CHEM 111 (General Chemistry I)
  • CHEM 112 (General Chemistry II)
  • CHEM 220 (Quantitative Analysis)
  • CHEM 230 (Survey of Organic Chemistry)
  • CHEM 331 (Organic Chemistry I)
  • CHEM 332 (Organic Chemistry II)
  • CHEM 340 (Survey of Biochemistry)
  • CS 100 (Programming for Everyone)
  • CS 101 (Computer Science I)
  • CS 200 (Advanced Programing for Everyone)
  • CS 201 (Computer Science II)
  • CS 300 (Data Structures for Everyone)
  • CS 301 (Data Structures and Algorithms)
  • CS 311 (Programming Language Concepts)
  • CS 321 (Computer Architecture)
  • CS 351 (Website Development)
  • CS 411 (Automata and Computation)
  • CS 421 (Operating Systems)
  • CS 431 (Database Architecture)
  • CS 441 (Computer Networks)
  • CS 602 (Advanced Algorithms)
  • CS 611 (Theory of Computation)
  • CS 621 (Operating Systems Design)
  • ECON 200 (Principles of Microeconomics)
  • FIN 300 (Financial Management)
  • FIN 445 (Financial Modeling)
  • KIN 160 (Introduction to Kinesiology)
  • KIN 162 (Nutrition and Performance)
  • KIN 300 (Critical Inquiry in Kinesiology)
  • KIN 301 (Applied Musculoskeletal Anatomy)
  • KIN 302 (Social Justice in Kinesiology)
  • KIN 303 (Biomechanics)
  • KIN 304 (Motor Development)
  • KIN 305 (Critical Issues of the Body)
  • KIN 306 (Exercise Physiology)
  • KIN 307 (Motor Skill Acquisition & Training)
  • KIN 370 (U.S. 20th Century Women's Sport)
  • KIN 489 (Sport, Racism, and Ethnicity)
  • MATH 110 (Finite Mathematics for Business)
  • MATH 115 (Algebra)
  • MATH 118 (Mathematics for the Arts and Humanities)
  • MATH 120 (Pre-Calculus)
  • MATH 125 (Pre-Calculus with Algebra)
  • MATH 130 (Calculus I)
  • MATH 131 (Calculus II)
  • MATH 180 (Mathematics for Business with Calculus)
  • MATH 210 (Linear Algebra with Differential Equations)
  • MATH 211 (Discrete Structures)
  • MATH 215 (Introduction to Linear Algegra)
  • MATH 225 (Numerical Algorithms and Linear Algebra for Computer Science)
  • MATH 230 (Calculus III)
  • MATH 285 (Introduction to Differential Equations)
  • MATH 300 (Introduction to Mathematical Proof)
  • MATH 310 (Linear Algebra Theory)
  • MATH 320 (Abstract Algebra I)
  • MATH 321 (Abstract Algebra II)
  • MATH 330 (Analysis I)
  • MATH 340 (Modern Geometry)
  • PHYS 115 (Elementary Physics)
  • PHYS 125 (Principles of Physics I)
  • PHYS 126 (Principles of Physics II)
  • PHYS 135 (Physics for Scientists and Engineers I)
  • PHYS 136 (Physics for Scientists and Engineers II)
  • PHYS 137 Physics for Scientists and Engineers III)
  • PHYS 303 (Biophysics)
  • PHYS 304 (Acoustics)
  • PHYS 350 (Quantum Mechanics I)
  • PHYS 351 (Quantum Mechanics II)
  • PSYC 100 (General Psychology)
  • PSYC 200 (Methods of Investigation in Psychology)
  • PSYC 310 (Conditioning and Learning)
  • PSYC 320 (Physiological Psychology)
  • PSYC 360 (Social Psychology)
  • PSYC 381 (Psychopathology)
  • STAT 100 (Elements of Statistics and Probability)
  • STAT 100A (Statistics Principles)
  • STAT 101 (Statistics of Everyday Life)
  • STAT 101A (Everyday Statistics Principles)
  • STAT 110 (Elements of Statistics for Business and Economics)
  • STAT 215 (Introduction to Data Science)
  • STAT 303 (Statistical Methods in Biology)
  • STAT 305 (From Data to Decision)
  • STAT 310 (Statistical Methods in the Social Sciences)
  • STAT 315 (Exploring and Analyzing Data)
  • STAT 316 (Statistics and Probability for Science and Engineering)
  • STAT 320 (Intro to Probability Theory)
  • STAT 432 (Introduction to Linear Regression & Logistic Regression)


Statistical Programs:

  • SAS
  • R/RStudio
  • SPSS
  • Excel
All courses — Writing tutors assist with all writing at all stages of the writing process. They can help with making sense of a prompt and starting to brainstorm, developing an outline, discussion board posts, incorporating or synthesizing sources, citations and mechanics, rough drafts, or class presentations, in all subjects. Visit the SCAA Writing Tutor Programs webpage for more information.

Supported-course lists above updated July 16, 2024

SCAAlar Appointments Program

By participating in the “SCAAlar Appointments Program” students can apply for 4 pre-scheduled weekly appointments with the option to renew. Apply here.