Type Fonts and Colors


Standard Sans Serif - Freightsans Pro Family

Freight Sans Pro font sample text

Standard Slab Serif - Brix Slab Family

Brickslab sample text

Standard Condensed - Dense Family

Dense family sample

Standard Serif - Garamond Premier Pro Family

Garamond Pro premier family sample

Primary colors


Associated web hexidecimal colors

       #d50032       #000000 #97999b      #c8c9c7


Other CSS web hexidecimal colors

Color Hex Name
#777 text-muted
#434343 dark-gray
#222 bg-darkest-gray
#eee bg-light-gray, tab content
#fff7a8 alert background-color
#dbdbdb search-input
#4c4c4c nav ("Menu") background-color
#3a3a3a dropdown-menu
#b0b0b0 unordered list ul li
#717171 accent mark
#f7f8f8 tab panel-heading collapsed
#e9eaeb tab panel-heading, accordion panel
#333 accordion panel-heading
#d3d4d4 accordion panel-heading toggle
#425563 accordion panel-heading toggle after
#f8f9f9 accordion panel-body
#d00031 footer-link
#e5e6e7 footer background, left-nav drop
#d2d3d4 footer copyright background


The colors used in the university’s identity system are strong, vibrant and distinctive. They have a long heritage of representing school spirit and competitiveness at Cal State East Bay. Pantone Matching System (PMS) 199 red and solid black. In black and white or two-color applications, solid white and a screen of black (gray) may be used.

When selecting imagery or graphics for communications materials, it is important to consider colors that are compatible with and complementary to the university’s primary colors and do not overwhelm the identity. The university’s identity should stand out in any graphic setting.