
WYSIWYG is an acronym for “What You See Is What You Get”. Cascade CMS's WYSIWYG editor allows users to create and edit content for a website, and visually preview changes as they are made. The WYSIWYG has two main sections: the formatting toolbar and the text editor. Together they allow users to visually preview changes as they are made. 

Formatting Toolbar

The WYSIWYG editor includes several features and functions commonly found in standard editors. Below are the tools and functions that are available on the WYSIWYG:

Drop-down Menus


Shortcut Buttons

Shortcut Buttons

WYSIWYG Icons Summary

Symbol Functions Additional Information
undo button Undo
Redo Redo
Bold Bold Hotkey: Ctrl + B
Italic Italics Hotkey: Ctrl + I
Formats menu Text Formats
unordered list Unordered lists/Bullets
ordered Ordered/numbered lists
Link Text Insert/Edit link
Unlink Text Unlink
Anchor Insert/Edit anchor
Insert Edit Insert/Edit image
Insert Edit Media Insert/Edit Media
View Source Code Edit HTML source
Full Screen Toggle fullscreen mode Expands the WYSIWYG to the full pane. 
more-options.png Expand for more features Shows all editor features. Includes changing
font and color of text.

Text Editor

The Text Editor is where you can enter text directly or paste the text in

text editor