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First-year Foundations of Success

For First-Year Freshman
The Foundations of Success courses (General Studies 101A in the first semester and GS 101B in the second semester) are the "hub" of the FYE and where students form connections, friendships, and support networks that endure through their academic journey. From day one, the GS Foundations of Success courses build students' sense of community and camaraderie which serve as the bedrock for the First-Year Experience at CSUEB. GS faculty are dedicated to and passionate about helping their students succeed at CSUEB.
The GS Foundations of Success courses engage students with tools, resources, and knowledge that help support students in:
- developing academic confidence and sense of belonging
- applying effective communication
- identifying their community of support
- uncovering their college "why" (purpose) and "who" (identity)
- navigating and using campus resources
GS Foundations of Success also help students understand major and GE requirements and plan for sophomore year and beyond.
Another major part of the FYE support network is Peer Academic Coaching. Peer Academic Coaches (PACs) provide support to students as they navigate the college experience. PACs also work closely with GS faculty and attend GS sections to help facilitate student engagement and provide peer support to freshmen throughout the Foundations of Success year-long sequence. There is typically one PAC assigned to each GS section.
FIND OUT MORE ABOUT PEER ACADEMIC COACHINGMeet the GS Foundations of Success Faculty
Hi! My name is Darrol Hughes, and I teach the Foundation for Success courses at East Bay.
After receiving my Master’s in Anthropology, I interned for a year at the Smithsonian Museum in DC. I really enjoyed my time in DC, but the pull of the classroom (and California) made my return inevitable. I now teach the foundation class as well as a number of other (sociology and cultural anthropology) courses at junior colleges around the Bay.
Teaching my discipline is one thing, but supporting learning, in general, is another. The success course is designed to impart purposeful lessons that should help students in all their other classes and beyond. I am really passionate about helping others find their purpose, because when one does, school, work, life, all come into view.
So, I look forward to working with you and making sure that your first-year experience at East Bay is all you hoped it would be and more. Cheers.
Email: darrol.hughes@csueastbay.edu
It's been almost 20 years since I started teaching this class and I love teaching it more now than ever, especially with the opportunity to give a shot online! My goal is simple: to be a positive influence in your life early in your college career! After completing Foundations of Success I and II, I hope you're confident in yourself and ready to dominate the rest of your journey through college and beyond (with some humility). I'm not going to say my class is different and better than the others, but it might be! :-)
--Coach P
Hello, I am Andrew Yunker, and I teach the Foundations of Success courses, in which I help incoming first-year students apply strategies for success.
I have a Master's degree in computer science, which I've used to create my own business in restoring computing technology. I've also developed software technology to help students persist in their academic pathway, and I provide course data and analytics to help improve our FYE program.
I recently launched a web-based scavenger hunt that uses a combination of today's technologies along with concepts of kinesthetics to create an interactive environment to pass along information and to help students apply skills such as critical thinking and time management.
Email: andrew.yunker@csueastbay.edu