Group Counseling

Group Counseling

To register for any group, students can go to, call (510) 885-3735, email, or talk with a counselor. A facilitator will call you to discuss the group and answer any questions before your registration is confirmed.

To participate in a group session once confirmed, students can go to at the time of their appointment to get the link.

To access handouts and materials from group sessions, visit our Counseling Group Handouts webpage.


Groups for Fall 2024:


Think Less, Vibe More - In person
An 8-week interactive group for students to make healthy changes, get support, and practice coping skills. Participants are expected to attend all 8 sessions.

Calming Anxiety, Living Mindfully (CALM) - Zoom
An 8-week interactive group on skills to manage anxiety. Participants are expected to attend all 8 sessions.

Tools for Feeling Better - Zoom
A 4-week interactive group on managing difficult thoughts and feelings. Participants are expected to attend all 4 sessions.

Stronger Together: A Support Group for Housing Residents - In person

An 8-week interactive group focused on building community and learning new ways to take care of oneself. Each week the group will discuss various topics including: managing transitions, homesickness, interpersonal relationships, identity, and more. Group will be held in person and will just be for Housing residents.

WEvolve - In person

A 10-week interpersonal counseling group focused on personal and interpersonal growth. This is a safe space to come together for learning, personal transformation, and empowerment. The group will touch on communication skills, identifying and expressing emotions, and reflecting on how we show up in relationships. Referral from an individual counselor and consultation with a facilitator is required.  Participants are expected to attend all 10 sessions. 

The Black Diamond Collective: A Support Group for Black Women - In person
Diamonds, like you, are strong, rare, and multifaceted. Sometimes diamonds are buried or hidden, but all diamonds are meant to shine. Come participate in an 8-10-week interpersonal counseling group discovering and discussing your shine. This group will create a safe space to come together for learning, personal transformation, and empowerment. The group will focus on what it’s like to be a black woman at East Bay, aiming to bring connection and minimize the feeling of being the only or one of few. Referral from an individual counselor and consultation with a facilitator is required.  Participants are expected to attend all 8-10 sessions. 

Self-Care Workshops

Counselors are available to run workshops on self-care for interested classes or student groups. These workshops are particularly useful for those in caretaking professions, or involved in activism. They can be tailored to any group’s needs and availability. Contact or call (510) 885-3735 for more information.


CALM Counseling Group
Calming Anxiety, Living Mindfully (CALM) Counseling Group Introduction Video
The Struggle is Real
The Struggle is Real Introduction Video
Think Less, Vibe More
Think Less, Vibe More Introduction Video
Rising Strong
Rising Strong Introduction Video
Stronger Together
Stronger Together: A Support Group for Housing Residents Introduction Video